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Our Guide
Our guide:
- lists the 9 places that Wills are commonly stored, including solicitor’s offices, Central Probate Registry, and the testator’s High Street bank;
- the consequences of not finding a Will - including the fact that estate will have to be distributed in accordance with the rules of intestacy ; and
- More.
Discover the Dangers of a Lost or
Misplaced Wills
Do you want to know:
- Where you should store your Will; or
- Where to look if you can’t find a missing Will.
Our free guide has the answers.
To download your free guide ‘Will Storage Options’ click on the button below.
Note: You will need a PDF document reader to read the guide.
The guide is 439kb.
Download Free Guide
Research has found that 90% of children do not know where their parent’s Will is located. Are you one of them?
Speak to your parents today. Doing so could save your hours of time.