This page provides instructions on how to pay for our services.
You can pay for our services by transferring direct from your PAY PAL account, or by using anyone of these cards (with the exception of payment by direct debit which is not an option.)
To pay:
A. click on the ‘Buy Now’ button below. You should be taken to our secure PAY PAL ‘payment’ page. Here, you will need to zoom in to read the page if using a mobile device.
B. Please note: Some mobile devises will not give you access; if this is the case you will need to access our website from a desktop or notepad/netbook computer.
C. Enter the quantity of £1 units you wish to pay for. So if you are paying £95 you enter a quantity of 95 in the quantity box; you will see the totals box increase to £95 to reflect your input.
D. Follow the prompts to arrange payment.
E. Along the way you may be asked to enter your ‘HomeCode’. This is a security feature we have added to ensure easy identification /reconciliation of payments.
F. Your ‘HomeCode’ comprises the first three letter of your surname/last name, then your postcode, then your house number or the first three letters of the house name.
G. e.g. Simon Jones lives at 16 Thomas Avenue, ST5 9AF. His code is therefore:
H. When the transaction is complete you will be returned to this page.
I. After receipt of your payment, and after reconciliation with our records, we will proceed to the next stage with your application.
If you experience any difficulty, please call us on 01782 639716.
Ready to proceed? If yes, then just click the button below ...
In anticipation of receipt of your payment, thank you.